Sinusitis & Toothache

1. What is sinusitis?
Sinusitis occurs when the tissue lining the sinuses becomes inflamed and swollen as a result of an infection in the nasal cavity caused by a virus, bacteria or even an allergy. Mucus, normally produced by the sinuses to filter air from the nasal cavity and clean it as it flows out through the nose, then accumulates inside the sinuses.
When you have a cold (always of viral origin), it is very common for it to be accompanied by inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
2. Why do my teeth hurt when I have sinusitis or a cold?
In the case of an infection of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis), the pressure caused by the accumulation of mucus on the peripheral areas, in particular the roots and nerves of the teeth, can cause pain in the teeth of the upper jaw (see diagram: the roots are close to or against the sinus). It is this nerve irritation and not the teeth themselves that causes tooth pain. These pains can be diffuse on the whole maxilla (upper jaw) or more localized; their intensity and localization can evolve.
3. What can be done to relieve dental pain related to sinusitis?
Relieve pain: depending on your medical condition, ibuprofen, which is both an anti-inflammatory and an analgesic, is preferable to paracetamol (only analgesic)
Fluidify mucus and promote its flow: drink water regularly during the day
To decongest:
decongestant (read the dosage and potential contraindications of the medication carefully),
washing with sea water,
inhalation with essential oils,
change the sleeping position to avoid the accumulation of mucus in the nasal cavity (in the case of lying on the back)
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